To have a healthy, strong, vibrant, well moving, your lower back needs to be open, aware and strong. The main area that needs to have this is your L5/S1 joint.
Even in a healthy back it needs a lot of preventative work so that it doesn’t become unbalanced. Now factor in that most peoples bodies are unbalanced and it will receive even more force. This is why it is the main joint that people injure when they hurt their lower back.
Luckily there is one exercise that will give you the most bang for your buck to strengthen, open and make this joint more aware.
- After setting up do for 1 X for 1 min
- Do this passively. After setting up just hang out for 5, 10, 15 (or how ever long you can) minutes. Just make sure that your knees are not locked.
- If using this exercise always finish with it.
- Factors of progressions: Puling your toes toward your shins and turning your feet in, turning your legs in and pulling your knees toward the wall, flattening your whole spine on the ground from butt to neck down eyes down and getting tall.