Why you should think of your body as working together.
Your body is this amazing interconnected being. Everything is linked together. You need to be able to simultaneously move,
breathe, think, eliminate, have your your fluids flow properly. it’s a definition of holistic.
When you’re moving around and playing with your kids, or doing your
activities or working out you have to understand that all these different
linked areas need to coordinate and work with each other. To the degree that one of these areas is off means you’re in dysfunction. So you’re just disfunction could be a bad back. Your dysfunction could be headaches. Your dysfunction to be cancer. It depends on your genetic profile.
If you want to better your body and make sure that you stay balanced holistically you need to make sure that each one of these links in the chain is trained appropriately. Each link has a different thing that
needs to happen.
So if you curious about what that is please go to our website www.solcorefitness.com. Read the information we got there and feel free to reach and reach out to us for questions. Thanks a lot.
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