Personal Training Program Video 3
If you have a fitness goal you need a holistic fitness program, not the latest cookie-cutter fad workouts. Here is the third of three videos to educate you a little bit more.
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it’s not just working out. It's building a foundation for a better life.
Everyone has positive intentions when it comes to their health and wellness.
You set some great exciting goals and on an exercise program. You buy some new workout gear or new membership. You block the time on your calendar. You have great expectations.
And then… That little voice pops up. Usually not in the first day or two, usually after something a little bit more emotional or one of those longer days that just makes you a bit more tired. And it whispers tiny snippets of negativity. “You don’t really need to do that today you can do it tomorrow.” Or “One little bite won’t hurt.” Or “Go ahead and sleep in you can get to your workout later today.”
You all know what I’m talking about.
It’s that devilish little voice that encourages you to stray from your goals. It sets up excuses and rationalizations. In fact, she’s the queen of rationalization. She’s the one that helps you talk yourself out of doing everything that you totally intended to do.
How do you quiet her when she does pop up? Or how do you keep her from popping up at all?
I think there’s a series of things you can do to prevent that little voice from talking you out of your exercise program routine.
The first is to get super crystal clear on not only your goals, but why they are important to you. Why do you deserve this? Why is it important now? What will that mean to achieve this goal? With a Big WHY, it’s a lot easier to talk that little negative voice down.
Also, you have to be realistic that she’s still going to pick up her little head after you had a long day or challenging circumstance. So the other best way I know to shut her up, is to start each morning with some kind of an affirmation about how you want your day to go.
What will you do that day to move towards your goals? Keep reminding yourself of your big WHY the whole time. That way you’ve already started a dialogue of success, and if she does pop up you’re in a stronger position to remind her and yourself of what it was you were going to do.
I also recommend a little journal at the end of the day to recap all the positive things you did do, and possibly even lay out the plan for the next day.
I think the best way to keep that little voice quiet is to take things one day at a time. It’s great to see the big picture goal but if you know that small daily actions are what it will take to achieve it, you’re much more likely to hold yourself to those small daily actions.
So don’t lose sight of the little things, even though that little voice will try to talk you out of doing what you planned. She’ll try to tell you they don’t affect the big picture, but you know better. You know that true change is the result of taking small consistent actions.
Sometimes we’ll have slip ups and let ourselves listen to what that troublesome voice says, but if we can focus daily on the little actions, the little steps, the little moves that push us closer towards our goals then we can counteract that negative voice. And once she sees that you’re actually serious about reaching your goals, she’s going to stop popping up quite so often.
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Carol has lived a full life. You wouldn’t know it while just casually talking to her. But when you sit down with her and really get to talk to her, you hear things that show you what a full life she has had.
In her 70 + years she been blessed with wonderful children and grandchildren. She has worked as a high level educator at UCLA and has traveled to exotic lands as a photographer. This drive for a full life has led her to our program. She was looking for a program to help her with some of the injuries and imbalances that she had acquired throughout her life. But even more than that, she was looking for a program that she could do and that would help her continue to live to her life to the fullest.
I am happy to say that Carol has not only achieved many of her goals, but she has thrived! And she did this while working through some challenges. So it is no surprise that she is the August personal training success member of the month. (Note: the reason you don’t see a photo of carol above is that as she puts it “I enjoy being on the other side on the camera.” She is in the shot above, but you’ll just have to guess who she is.) 😉
1) What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a program?
I was looking for something that would help me with past injuries and imbalances that I had. I was also looking for something that was doable and that helped me live my life to the fullest.
2) What did you do before?
Right before this I was just doing a regular gym workout of using the machines and some cardio. Prior to this I was really into Yoga for years but unfortunately had to stop due to the teacher pushing me too far.
3) What results have you achieved since starting your program that you are proud of?
My neck feels amazing! My posture is much better. I feel really aligned, which helps me move my best but also emotionally has me feeling my best. And unintended… I have really toned up and lost weight. (She asked me not to say how much, so we’ll just say double digits.)
4) Do you have a favorite exercise? Least? What do you like or don’t like about them?
I love the 90/90/90 (obturator internus – deep hip and pelvis muscle) it just feels so good afterward! I don’t hate any of the exercises, they all have such great benefits.
5) What are some challenges or goals you are currently working on?
I want to live my life to the fullest. At the start, it was really hard to show up to the classes and the exercises were challenging. But after 2-3 months, I found my groove and the results have been amazing. I had some internal challenges and personal challenges along them way, but I just kept coming. I want to continue this path and be respectful to my body.
6) What do you like best about our program/ having a trainer?
That I got my body back! It is not a good feeling to feel disconnected to your body and all the aches and pains that are associated with that feeling. I love the fact that you guys help me do it right and make adjustments.
7) What advice would you give to the other SolCore Fitness members?
Hey let’s do this!
8) What would you say to someone on the fence about joining our program?
Try it!
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