Personal Training Program Video 2
If you have a fitness goal you need a holistic fitness program, not the latest cookie cutter fad workouts. Here is the seconed of three video’s to educate you a little bit more.
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it’s not just working out. It's building a foundation for a better life.
Being in the health and fitness field and helping people get rid of back, neck and hip pain, I get a lot of articles sent my way for examination. And I love it! So keep them coming. I love reading about what is going on in all corners on the health and fitness field(s). I really appreciate that people are trying to learn more and are looking for solutions outside of surgery and consistent pain medications. This article is influenced by an article published in the Wall Street Journal about back pain. You can see the WSJ article here: ( ).
SolCore Fitness Personal Training Santa Fe was birthed out of the necessity. I had back pain from a pinched L4-L5 vertebrae and intermittent Sciatic pain. I tried medications (knowing full well it wouldn’t cure me), chiropractic (helped for a week or so), yoga (didn’t work and made it worse) and some physical therapy exercises that also didn’t work and made it worse. And even though I had all these failures I knew that there had to be some way to “put myself back together.”
Because of the belief that I could put myself together, I found a program called Soma Training/Therapy, which contains ELDOA. This program completely blew what I knew out of the water and got rid of my back pain. Prior to finding this system, I did what most people did and used general formulaic answers to problems that arose for myself and my clients. But after getting hurt and seeing that this formulaic way of thinking wasn’t working, I was forced to find what would work consistently.
Which brings me to the article. The first thing that caught my eye was the fact that people are realizing consistent surgery and medications are not the way. It has been said that only 1% of the people who go in for back surgery even need it. This article ( ) talks about how surgery is being used as a cure-all and as a bi-product for pain medication (particularly opioids). But it’s not working. And as the article just prior states, it is really hard to see the cause of back pain from an MRI. Further, if you are looking at a person 30 years old or older, you are going to see some sort of damage to the spine. The problem is that the observed damage is generally asymptomatic and/or is not the root cause of the pathology.
The idea should be to look at the body holistically, to see how multiple different factors are playing into the issue. Once you do this, you can start to think about using specific stretches and exercises to normalize (correct) the different areas that are causing the imbalanced body. And when you talk of specifics you must take into the consideration the biomechanics of the body.
The initial WSJ article that was sent to me, lists four exercises that should help your back pain. However, as I stated before there could be numerous reasons that you have back pain. The exercise recommendations used in the article seem to assume that the issue is coming only from the spine. In an effort to analyze the exercises and for ease, let’s just go ahead and assume that indeed the problem is originating in the spine. Now let’s examine the exercises.
If you want to mobilize and give your spine some space, then the best things to do are to be able to translate it side to side and to do ELDOA’s. You can see an info video here and a montage of ELDOA’s and Myofascial stretching…. HERE. (This video is for example purposes only and was not designed to be followed).
Again your back pain could come from a lot of different sources and needs to be addressed as such. Don’t settle for a formulaic system to solve it.
If you are truly looking for a cure to back pain, find a practitioner near you who is educated in Soma training/therapy and knows ELDOA. I have been back pain free for 8 years and I’m not held back in the least. ELDOA along with a complete health and fitness program has also helped hundreds of our members get rid of pain and achieve a level of fitness greater than they ever thought.
If you are in Santa Fe and would like to attend a free ELDOA class this Saturday April 30th at 11 am please register HERE.
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“Life is what you make of it. You can be happy or sad. It’s up to you.” Amy Weyhrauch’s dad. No one person epitomizes this phrase more then Amy. She is one of kindest most positive people you will ever meet. She is a mom to 4 kids and, it is this attitude that has propelled her to great accomplishments and the July member of the month.
When I first talked to Amy I found out that she had Ankylosing spondylitis. From the website of Spondylitis Association of America -“Ankylosing spondylitis (pronounced ank-kih-low-sing spon-dill-eye-tiss), or AS, is a form of arthritis that primarily affects the spine, although other joints can become involved. It causes inflammation of the spinal joints (vertebrae) that can lead to severe, chronic pain and discomfort. In the most advanced cases (but not in all cases), this inflammation can lead to new bone formation on the spine, causing the spine to fuse in a fixed, immobile position, sometimes creating a forward-stooped posture.” Amy, has the advanced kind, and she needed to get the right treatment and training otherwise she was in danger of her spine fusing. So I wasn’t too surprised when Amy first came to me moving like Frankenstein with a limp. She had a really hard time turning her neck and she was walking very gingerly. It didn’t take an Osteopath to see that she was in pain. Her number one goal was obvious…get out of pain! She was cautious for good a reason; she didn’t want to further hurt her body. You see this all started when Amy was playing tennis and she fell and hurt her right clavicle. No biggie, except that it wasn’t getting better and she was starting to feel worse all over. So she started the rounds with different doctors and they kept coming up with different diagnoses. There was even a significant amount of time where they thought she had Leukemia. Can you imagine the stress of that! Well it wasn’t that, thank goodness.
To describe in practical terms how the AS affects her I’ll tell you what I tell her. “Everything that you do is magnified. When somebody else doesn’t stretch for a day or so they get a little tight and hinder their healing. When you don’t stretch for a day or two your body starts to lock up. Literally!” And when she didn’t stretch as much as she wanted to she felt it-to the point where if she had just thrown up her arms and succumbed to fait you could have understood, but she didn’t. Amy has epitomized our 3rd Core Principle “Consistent Steady Improvement.” She has been in private training with us 3-4 days a week for a little over a year and she has made amazing progress. You will hear about it later on in her words, but I am so proud of her for:
1) What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a program? My Ankylosing was the main reason to seek out help. It just made me feel so bad, and it is really hard to motivate yourself when you don’t feel good. I just kept giving myself excuses as to why I shouldn’t and couldn’t do it. Well I finally got to the point where I felt so bad that I reached out to a friend of mine, Liz Karp, and she recommended you to me.
2) What did you do before? Yoga Tapes, exercise tapes, tennis, hiking, sometimes skiing. I also had this chart that was given to me on stretches I should do for Ankylosing. But I knew I needed somebody to teach me the right way.
3) What results have you achieved since starting your program that you are proud of? Well I have lost 7-8% body fat and around 10 pounds, but what I am most proud of is the fact that I am a happier better person because I don’t hurt all the time. It got to the point where I didn’t want to go out and be social. The weight of that pain on me all day took all my effort and to think about spending more effort on going out was too much. I also LOVE that I now have tools to keep myself moving and feeling great. Not only the stretches and exercises but also the fitness journal you gave me was a big help especially at the start. It is eye opening to look back and see how you really did, not just how you thought you did!
4) Do you have a favorite exercise? Least? What do you like or don’t like about them? I do not like the Mountain Climbers! I love the wall stretch L5-S1, love the hip stretch (Glute Med). Actually I love all the hip stretches and all the spine stretches.
5) What are some challenges or goals you are currently working on? Weight loss is my next big goal along with staying out of pain and keeping my body mobile. I also want to keep changing my habits and keep getting better with the advanced workouts you guys have been giving me.
6) What do you like best about our program/ having a trainer? The knowledge that you guys have is invaluable. I also love that you are flexible. You guys always have a program ready, but if I come in and say I am feeling a certain way, you are able to change the program on the fly to meet my needs. I also really appreciate that you guys push me to levels that I didn’t think I could do before, but you never push me too far.
7) What advice would you give to the other SolCore Fitness members? KEEP IT UP! Keep coming to class. Keep doing your homework. Keep making those small improvements each day.
8) What would you say to someone on the fence about joining our program? I wish I had had somebody who I trusted to push me to start this sooner. Think about how many times you have procrastinated. I waited almost a year from knowing about SolCore Fitness to starting with them. To get better you have to start. So start now!
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I met Roberto when I first came to Santa Fe and was teaching my class at BODY. He came a handful of times, and after I changed my format and moved to Railyard Fit (formally Buddha Fitness Club) I didn’t see him for about four months.
Roberto had some challenging injuries from some severe accidents, and he was looking to finally correct most of these issues. He was a dedicated yoga practitioner and was always serious about his health.
When he contacted me about rejoining the classes in the new format, I told him it would take about a year for him to get permanent results because of the severity of his injuries and how long he’d had them. He didn’t even blink and has been a steady, hardworking and positive influence in the classes ever since.
I am happy to say that in the year he has been in the Posture Perfect class he has corrected 99% of his injuries and now has the tools to keep them corrected.
Roberto will be out of the country for a while pursuing some amazing opportunities. Congratulate him and wish him well!
What made you decide you wanted or needed to start a program?
My body was a wreck! I had been in two major car crashes and had gotten Lyme disease. I had done a lot of other modalities and had gotten decent results, but none of them really integrated the whole body like your program.
When I first read about your classes and their structure, they sounded perfect for me. And then when I first took the class I instantly knew that this was what I had been looking for. It took me a little bit of time to commit to the class because I needed to get my life in order and wanted to make this a permanent thing is my life.
What did you try before the SolCore Fitness custom-built exercise program?
Everything! No joke. Martial arts, yoga for about 20 years, kettle bells, body building, gymnastics, raw diets, macrobiotic diets, chiropractors, physical therapists, acupuncture, massage therapists—and that is just the surface. I tried a lot of really esoteric modalities. And I got some good results. I got rid of my Lyme disease with a raw diet and Bikram Yoga. I gained a lot of muscle through body building. But it never totally addressed my physical issues and in some cases made it worse. Like I said, none of it was as intricate and as integrated as your program, and that is what I needed. [Note: Roberto worked with and studied under some really high-level people. For martial arts he studied under David Carradine’s teacher. Yeah, Cane! He went so deep into yoga that Bikram asked him to be a teacher. Yeah, that Bikram!]
What results have you achieved since starting your program and are proud of?
First and foremost it has brought consistency to my life. I do a lot for work and for life and it has brought a consistent, positive presence. I look forward to SolCore Fitness’s Posture Perfect class! And as challenging as it is on multiple levels, I always feel better afterward and so much more accomplished. I move so much better now than I have since my accidents. My awareness of my body not only in class but more importantly in everyday life is so much more improved. I sleep better. My digestion is much better.
Do you have a favorite exercise? Least favorite? What do you like or don’t like about them?
I really don’t like the wall stretch (L5-S1 ELDOA). You are lying there and you expect that you are going to be supported by the floor and the wall, but you’re really not. It is very challenging to me. I really like the 90/90/90 (Obturator internus myofascial stretch) because it was really hard for me and I thought there was no way I was going to be able to do it. But now I can get in and out of it pretty easy and it always feels really good when I am done.
What are some challenges or goals you are currently working on?
Tight hips. But I guess that is just the reality of how we live our lives now. Always sitting in front of a computer. Stress is a big one for me, and recommitting to myself each day.
What do you like best about our program and having a trainer?
YOU! [You realize I totally paid him to say that, right?] You are very engaging and you keep the class fun and light. It is challenging at times, but keeping it fun really helps. There are also a lot of really interesting people in class who are working through their own things. They really inspire me to keep going.
What advice would you give to the other SolCore Fitness members?
Appreciate what you have in this program. There are only a couple of places in the States where you can get this kind of training. The others off the top of my head are New York, Dallas and L.A.
What would you say to someone on the fence about joining our program?
Sit down and take stock of your life and see what is working and what is not. Organize your life, decide what is important and write down where you want to be in a year—not in a New Year’s resolution kind of way, but real goals. This program works like nothing else. Commit yourself for at least a year. The first three months is like an introduction to your body. You get some good results, you start to feel better, your body starts to become more aware, but it is just the beginning to how good your body can feel if you commit to yourself.
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