Personal Training Success Story
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it’s not just working out. It's building a foundation for a better life.
Water is one of the most important staples toour health and fitness. If we are dehydrated, it can present a whole host of physical problems that will cost time and money to “cure,”when the remedy is as simple as “DRINK MORE WATER!”
Symptoms of Dehydration
An interesting fact, “The earth is covered with almost 70% water,andhumans are composed of about 75% water- our blood containing roughly the same salinity as the ocean water”. There are roughly 10,000 actions within your body that are performed per second, which water is essential to. Water’s chief job is to maintain a stable environment inside and around our cells,so we can be able to take in nutrition and eliminate wastes. It is also essential that your muscles, tendons, ligaments and all the fascia in our body stay hydrated. You see, our body is meant to slide and move internally, and all this sliding and moving is done on water basedsubstance. So if you are dehydrated, just moving around will cause excessive tension and friction, which will cause inflammation, dysfunction, andpain.
So where do you start? First,find out how much you are currently drinking. Use a journal or the note function on your smartphone. If your total water intake is below ½ your body weight in ounces of water, you have to start increasing your intake. So, for example if you weigh 150lbs, you should be drinking 75 ounces of water every day. Also,note how much plain water you are having. Plain is water without ANYTHINGin it and two hours after eating.
Don’t try and increase it all at once though! Start slowly and let your body adapt. First,take the water you are currently drinking and divide it into thirds. Then also divide your day into thirds, say before 11am, 3pm, and7pm. Each third of waterwill go into those three sections. Now you are going to add a little bit of water in each third and make sure that it is all finished by the time you choose. Just keep increasing periodically every couple of weeks, andyou will be good to go in no time.
If you do enjoy lemon or lime in your water, just make sure half the water you drink is plain. This is the water that keeps your tissues hydrated.
As an added way to get more water in and start your day off awesomely, drink as much as you can first thing in the morning. Now you have started your day off hydrating yourself which get your body flowing and functioning correctly. It also gets you in the habit of drinking water in the day. And if you happen to forget to drink enough during your busy day, the water you drank in the morning “front loaded” your amount to help.
So now that you are all geared up to stay hydrated- What do you do? Go to the nearest water fountain and take a swig…Not if you love your body! Almost all municipal sources of water are contaminated with commercial agricultural runoff (pesticides, herbicides, etc.) and have chlorine and fluoride added to it. The hierarchy of the best water sources are:
The point I’m trying to get across to you is-DRINK MORE WATER! For those of you who are already thinking that this will send you to the bathroom every two seconds, consider this: As you slowly increase your water intake, your body will become more efficient at processing/using the water, and your desire to go will decrease. You can also add a small pinch of Celtic sea salt (not every time) which will help your body assimilate the water and give you a bunch of fantastic trace minerals (electrolytes) that your body needs anyway.
On a closing note- Many people mistake the feeling of thirst for hunger, and studies show that adults who drink two, 8-ounce glasses of water before breakfast, lunch, and dinner consumed75-90 fewer calories during each meal.
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Hey, my name is Arthur and I have been in SolCore for a little more than three years now. Let me tell you, it’s been a lifesaver. Before I came here, I had chronic back pain due to not an injury, but just years of having the wrong posture and doing terrible things with my back, and not really even knowing it.
I went to physical therapy and I went to chiropractors. It helped, but it was more temporary. And coming here to this class, three times a week in the group class, it’s just been amazing.
All the different techniques and whether they are new or new to us, they have been so very helpful.
In the past three years, I’ve had two minor flare-ups, and it was all my own fault. I was sitting improperly again going back to my old ways, and coming back here at class, it’s just has been amazing.
I highly recommend SolCore. It has just changed my life dramatically. I know that’s so cliché, but it’s true.
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Hey, Everybody, It’s Ekemba from SolCore Fitness again and I want to talk to you about not basing your training on what feels good for you. Now, what I mean by that? So, I want to start by saying I’ve got some bad news for you. You don’t have total access to your body. You can’t tell all the different areas in your body and what’s going on because you’re not totally connected to it just yet, and that’s okay, that’s why you want to workout.
You want to gain access to those areas, you want to feel alive and balanced. So, let me give you the story of why it’s bad just to do thing to feel good for your body, okay? So we have a member who came to us because she wants become balanced, but more importantly, she hurt her liver because of an accident. Her liver became inflamed, this whole area became jumbled up. So we did some very specific things for her to balance her diaphragm, her pelvis, to work with the different facial chains around this area, and she started to feel better. Then over the weekend she went to hang out with some friends and they did some gentle stretching as a group and she start doing a side bend, and it felt fantastic. As she kept doing this because it felt fantastic, it felt so good on her body. Sounds great, doesn’t it? No, the next day she woke up and her liver said, phew! Screw you. I don’t like what you just did because what she did felt good for whatever reason, but physiologically it took her rib cage and diaphragm and smushed her liver and smushed liver. And with a normal liver, sure that’s fine, you should be able to handle some pressure, but it’s already… it was already angry, so you can’t… you can’t force something it doesn’t want to do.
Are You Doing This In Your Program?
So, this will show up in your workout too, maybe not as extreme, but you know only doing the activities you like to do, what I feel good to you might not have immediately negative consequences. You might not feel how bad it is for your body right away, but then 10 years down the line, 15 years down the line – all of a sudden, your hip doesn’t move as well or maybe you need… you’ve worn to cartilage away, your spine doesn’t move as well. Right! You have to have a program that balances your body from the inside out to align the all different structures to enliven in the body so that you actually can feel where you are.
So, if you’re interested in what that program looks like, feel free to reach out to us. You can call us at 505-577-2171 or just email us at
We are more than willing to talk to you about what’s going on, and we have tons of free resources on our website, so check us out at
Thanks a lot. Have a great day.
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Hey Guys, This is Ekemba from Solcore Fitness again. Here to talk to you about how structure dictates function. So, we all think about having bad positions in our body, bad posture as having bad movements, and I tell you you’re only partially correct. Structure dictates all function. So, function has to do with how I move, how I feel, my hormones, my digestion, how I sleep.
Imagine a house, I want my house to be nice and good in structure. So, with that good structure, my house holds up the walls and the ceilings and it protects my family, and it seems to also lets my pipes run properly. It allows the heat to come in properly, allows everything to stay nice and balanced and a good homeostasis environment. It’s the same thing with your body. So, giving the example – we have what’s called kyphotic head forward posture – that right there, right? Now we can see that all the time because of our modern lifestyle, so with that posture, you can have issues with, of course, movements, right? I can’t lift my arm all the way up, right? I can’t look up without neck pain, back pain. If I have knee pain where the case is going to be, but at the same time, you have problems with your heart, your lungs, potentially your thyroid, blood flow that goes to your brain, all because of a bad posture.
So, you know when looking for a workout program, if your goal is to be as balanced as possible to have a fully functioning body, then choose something that addresses all these different areas. There’s no easy fix, there’s no do these three things and you’ll achieve total success. You want to really dig in there and make sure everything is doing what they’re supposed to be doing.
So, good luck to you. Reach out for any more questions, and thanks again. Bye!
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