Myofascial Stretching is the primary technique that you want to use to balance your body. Keeping your body balanced, keeps it strong, balanced, and flexible. Since we are held together by tension and compression through myofascial chains, if some of those chains are off, our body will be off.
When you myofascial stretch, you are focusing on areas of need and incorporating everything that is linked to that area. Because of this, you are normalizing the entire chain, which starts to bring it back into alignment and balance the body.
Myofascial stretching is best done on its own or after some sort of strenuous activity. Do not do Myofascial Stretching before and strenuous exercise.
- Once in Full Position do the stretches 3 X 30 sec each side
- Work in a progressive manner from 1st set – getting into the stretch position and feeling it, 2nd – set to push a little harder, 3rd set – to push it as much as you can.
- Work with the factors of progression to properly get in practice and learn the stretch. Look for the directions in each stretch as to the factors. Work on each one individually on each stretch and then start to combine them, leading up to the full stretch.
- Do some at night so that when you go to bed, your body can heal in this new position.