When you decide to proactively show your body some love and take care of it, you’re challenging yourself in wonderful ways that will have profound benefits across your life.
You start learning step by step that you really can do difficult things, make important changes, and gett the results you want. It’s a powerful experience! So, let’s build on it with something new – a different kind of challenge that BY DEFINITION is going to seem impossible at first.
You ready? 😬
I want you to challenge yourself to do something you believe you can’t do. Go ahead and start thinking of things. Maybe you want to run your first marathon, correct those nagging pains in your body, or learn a new language or musical instrument. Doesn’t matter – it’s up to you. (Just keep it to things within your control; winning the lottery doesn’t count!)
Whatever you choose, the point is to stretch yourself and to think big, and GROW INTO your desires. The process will reveal more about your abilities and values so you can strengthen positive attitudes, accomplish more, and repeat victories in other endeavors.
This is all true even if you modify your original target. The process reveals so much on its own. As we’ve all heard, success is the journey, not the destination.
You deserve that success, that trip! So, learn to celebrate the little victories… to accept your disappointments… to make adjustments along the way…
Think big and scary. Then make a plan and enlist support. Get started and keep your eyes wide open.
You can’t lose.
What are you going to shoot for? Let me know in the comments.🤓
it’s not just working out, it’s building a foundation for a better life.
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