Why Stretch or Warm Up? What is its Usefulness?
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it’s not just working out. It's building a foundation for a better life.
You see them in every health magazine and hear “healthy” people talking about how many of them they eat…
But what’s the real story on these so-called superfoods? And are they really “super”?
There isn’t an agreed-upon definition of the term “superfood”, but it’s generally accepted that a superfood is any food that contains high levels of vitamins and minerals that your body needs.
But do they really live up to the hype? Or is this just another fad diet?
There are a lot of overrated superfoods, but there are some that you should definitely be aware of.
Here are 9 that you should make a part of your diet.
Acai (pronounced ah- SIGH-EE) is a fruit from South America and contains high levels of antioxidants, which help fight cancer and heart disease.
You’ll have a hard time finding fresh acai, so look for juices or powders that you can add to yogurt to give it a health boost.
You can also find them as frozen tablets which are perfect to blend into smoothies.
This small red berry from Tibet is packed with Vitamin C and gives your immune system a huge boost.
They’ve also been used as a treatment for visual problems and poor circulation.
You’re most likely to find them in a powder form or dried (think red raisins).
Originating in Russia, kefir is a drink that looks a lot like milk, but tastes like yogurt.
It’s full of probiotics that can aid in digestive health and support a healthy immune system.
Look for this at your local health food store or you can make your own by simply adding kefir grains to regular milk.
It’s not what you think.
Hemp seeds, though related to marijuana, have none of the same side effects.
High in protein and amino acids, hemp seeds are the perfect addition to any meal.
They also provide good amounts of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and potassium.
You can use these for more than just covering fake pets with green fur.
Chia seeds are packed with protein, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and calcium.
These are the perfect addition to smoothies, oatmeal, and even salads.
One of the main spices in curry, turmeric is full of compounds known as curcuminoids, which carry medicinal powers.
Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory effects and can boost your brain function.
The curcuminoid content found in Turmeric is relatively low, so you may want to take an extract.
Cacao powder is the perfect substitute if you’re a chocolate lover. It provides a strong chocolate flavor, without any of the guilt.
It contains flavonoids, which are known to Lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to the heart and brain.
Be careful when buying though. If the label says Dutch or alkalized, it means that the cacao has been processed and lost a lot of its antioxidants.
Maca is a root vegetable, grown in the mountains of Peru, that is picked, dried, and turned into powder.
Maca is rich in vitamin B, C, and E and has energy-boosting properties.
It’s a great addition to smoothies, oatmeal, and even baked goods.
Black garlic is white garlic that is put through a month-long fermentation process, kept under strict heat and humidity control.
Garlic has antimicrobial, antibiotic, and antifungal agents which helps protect against infections.
Because black garlic is fermented, it also has twice the antioxidant properties of conventional garlic.
These supplements will put your program in overdrive!
Whey protein has been linked to a variety of health benefits, including:
Please do not just go out and buy any old whey from the shelf. It should be from a whey protein concentrate and not an isolate. It needs to be from a grass fed source and should not be loaded with a bunch of indigestible fillers. A great one that we carry is from SFH.
Described as mothers milk. Benefits of taking this are:
Make sure you get a colostrum supplement that is from a grass fed source and doesn’t breakdown to much in the digestive track. The best we have found is one we carry from Sovereign laboratories.
BCAA’s help stimulate protein synthesis more so than protein on its own. They also increase the capacity of the cells for protein synthesis. BCAA’s in food and even in Whey supplements need to be broken down first and thus not as readily available. A BCAA supplement goes directly to the blood stream. Because of this ability you get an anti catabolic effect (lack of muscle breakdown). This helps:
There are tons of BCAA’s supplements but the best we have found so far is from Infinity nutrition, which we carry. It is not only a great blend derived from food source, but we get the naturally flavored Stevia brand. Again no fillers.
The Payoff
While some superfoods are just superfakers, bringing these 9 foods into your diet is sure to help you boost your health. And adding these supplements will definitely accelerate your progress and keep your body strong on multiple levels.
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Hey Santa Fe, Here Is How Exercise Can Affect Your Sleep
It’s one of the most critical, yet most often overlooked components to leading a healthy life.
As we train our bodies through exercise, we use precious energy and we need more sleep in order to replenish this lost resource.
The benefits of a good night’s sleep (between seven and nine hours a night) are numerous. This period of rest is crucial for muscle growth, increases blood supply, and repairs damage done to the body during exercise.
But what happens if we overtrain our bodies? How does pushing ourselves affect our ability to recover through sleep?
A study performed by the Journal of Sports Sciences found that if overtraining occurs, there is actually a decrease in our ability to sleep, recover, and perform.
The study followed 13 cyclists who were put through a period of intense training. Researchers found that after nine days of this training, the athletes had a drastic reduction in sleep quality.
The interesting part is that while the athletes were getting worse sleep, they were spending more time in bed. Throughout the night, they woke up frequently and got less sleep.
This lack of sleep, or “exercise-induced insomnia” occurs when we push our bodies passed their current level. The inability to sleep can be attributed to several problems that stem from overtraining.
When we exercise, our body produces a hormone called adrenaline
Adrenaline has a key role to play in the training process, as it helps with things like blood flow to the muscles and mental alertness.
Adrenaline is what gives you what you need to make it through your workout. However, it also has a negative effect on your ability to doze off.
When your body produces adrenaline, it is preparing to face a demanding physical task. The more strenuous the activity, the more adrenaline is present in your bloodstream.
Once this task is over however, your body may have some difficulty shutting down.
Another potential cause of exercise-induced insomnia is cortisol. Cortisol, like adrenaline, is a hormone produced by your body that helps during physical activity.
Cortisol helps your body to increase glucose concentration in your bloodstream. This gets energy to your muscles so they can perform the task you are asking them to do.
Cortisol also has a role to play in your body’s natural sleep patterns. When you wake up, your body is running with its highest level of cortisol. As you go throughout your day, the amount of the hormone gradually decreases, eventually hitting a point that signals to your body to go to sleep.
However, when you exercise you are giving your body a signal to produce more cortisol, and this can throw a wrench in your body’s sleep cycle. Scientists have found that elevated levels of cortisol can make it more difficult to fall asleep.
Among these hormonal issues, there may be other problems that exercise can have on your sleep.
Many exercise supplements, particularly in endurance sports, contain caffeine. This aids in focus during the activity, but can cause serious problems when it comes time to catch some z’s. Studies have found that when caffeine is ingested, cortisol levels can remain elevated for up to 18 hours!
Luckily, there are some steps you can take to prevent or ease this problem.
Staying hydrated and properly fueling yourself can help reduce your body’s need for cortisol production. High levels of stress can also increase cortisol. Experts prescribe allotting for times of meditation or relaxation to help combat the effects stress can have.
If overtraining is causing problems with your sleep, you should also take a break from exercising or decrease your workload. Give your body a couple days of rest and recuperation.
Your diet also offers a path to a solution.
When suffering from insomnia, eat clean meals with high levels of protein and iron, and drink plenty of water. Avoid food high in sugar and simple carbohydrates, as these can spike your blood sugar levels and cause a hormonal imbalance.
Eliminating or reducing your daily caffeine intake can also have a positive impact on your ability to sleep. Studies have shown that one cup of coffee can increase cortisol levels by up to 30%. Avoid supplements that have caffeine in them, particularly if you exercise later in the day.
Fear of overtraining is not a reason to avoid exercise.
Focus on doing what is right for you and listen to what your body is telling you.
When done properly, exercise is a vital component to getting a good night’s sleep and ultimately improving your health.
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Carol has lived a full life. You wouldn’t know it while just casually talking to her. But when you sit down with her and really get to talk to her, you hear things that show you what a full life she has had.
In her 70 + years she been blessed with wonderful children and grandchildren. She has worked as a high level educator at UCLA and has traveled to exotic lands as a photographer. This drive for a full life has led her to our program. She was looking for a program to help her with some of the injuries and imbalances that she had acquired throughout her life. But even more than that, she was looking for a program that she could do and that would help her continue to live to her life to the fullest.
I am happy to say that Carol has not only achieved many of her goals, but she has thrived! And she did this while working through some challenges. So it is no surprise that she is the August personal training success member of the month. (Note: the reason you don’t see a photo of carol above is that as she puts it “I enjoy being on the other side on the camera.” She is in the shot above, but you’ll just have to guess who she is.) 😉
1) What made you decide you wanted/needed to start a program?
I was looking for something that would help me with past injuries and imbalances that I had. I was also looking for something that was doable and that helped me live my life to the fullest.
2) What did you do before?
Right before this I was just doing a regular gym workout of using the machines and some cardio. Prior to this I was really into Yoga for years but unfortunately had to stop due to the teacher pushing me too far.
3) What results have you achieved since starting your program that you are proud of?
My neck feels amazing! My posture is much better. I feel really aligned, which helps me move my best but also emotionally has me feeling my best. And unintended… I have really toned up and lost weight. (She asked me not to say how much, so we’ll just say double digits.)
4) Do you have a favorite exercise? Least? What do you like or don’t like about them?
I love the 90/90/90 (obturator internus – deep hip and pelvis muscle) it just feels so good afterward! I don’t hate any of the exercises, they all have such great benefits.
5) What are some challenges or goals you are currently working on?
I want to live my life to the fullest. At the start, it was really hard to show up to the classes and the exercises were challenging. But after 2-3 months, I found my groove and the results have been amazing. I had some internal challenges and personal challenges along them way, but I just kept coming. I want to continue this path and be respectful to my body.
6) What do you like best about our program/ having a trainer?
That I got my body back! It is not a good feeling to feel disconnected to your body and all the aches and pains that are associated with that feeling. I love the fact that you guys help me do it right and make adjustments.
7) What advice would you give to the other SolCore Fitness members?
Hey let’s do this!
8) What would you say to someone on the fence about joining our program?
Try it!
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