The final of the 6 Human Needs might be my favorite: Contribution.
People who strongly feel the need to contribute make a difference in their community. They’re empathetic, compassionate, and believe in the power of sharing.
Potential downsides? Tony Robbins says they include getting burned out, neglecting people closest to you, and being taken advantage of others.
I believe that making a contribution is vital to your self-care.
That’s right. Giving to others improves YOUR life.
“Living is giving,” as we’ve all heard.
And when we give, we always receive more in return – especially if we do so without thinking about getting anything at all.
Is there any better feeling than helping someone, whether it’s a stranger or someone you know?
Studies prove that volunteering or time or money makes us feel better and brings significant physical and mental health benefits.
And if your community doesn’t have the ideal way you’d like to contribute, you can always create your own.
It’s easy to forget how any times other people have helped you throughout your lifetime. And I’m not just talking about charity! I mean kindness, generosity of time and spirit, making a phone call on your behalf… The possibilities are endless.
By contributing to others, you’re not only helping to meet their needs. You’re also helping to meet your own.
And you can only give what you have. This is where self-care comes in. The more you can fill your “cup” the more it can spill over for others.
The best vehicle for this is a holistic health and fitness program. It is an intentional program that improves your body, self-worth, and realization of your potential.
It requires specificity, integration and a holistic view.
I’ve you’ve got questions we wanna help. use the link below to schedule a free consultation.
It’s not just working out, it’s building a foundation for a better life.
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