This is not my norm; I was at a loss when it hit me. I am a seize-the-day guy who loves working hard and getting things done. It’s how I have operated my entire life and accomplished a lot.
So when I didn’t feel my normal “Roar” to start the day, I had no connection to me. I didn’t quite know what to do. So I went through my day and did what I usually would, but I felt like I was watching somebody else.
This continued for a few months, and I tried everything I usually would to maximize myself and keep moving forward. But it only made it worse, which of course, started to add frustration to the situation.
I was pushing, like I usually do, to move forward. But I didn’t realize life was pushing back. It was telling me I was making the wrong move. Unfortunately, it took me a while to hear. One of my best qualities is that I will make myself do something if I know it will lead to a better outcome. I’d rather be uncomfortable in the short term so that I am not uncomfortable in the long term.
But one of my most detrimental qualities is that I keep going when I should stop and gather myself. My dedication turns into forcing and fighting, leading to the energy of forcing and fighting. Jeeze, when I say it out loud, it’s uncomfortable.
And that is what I felt inside. Extremely uncomfortable until one day, I emotionally and mentally couldn’t take it anymore. Something had to change.
And that is why I am writing you today. If you want a different result, you must do something completely different.
Where are you using “old” thinking patterns to achieve new results? You’ll know because you feel stuck, frustrated, and confused.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” Einstein.
Since it’s different, YOU WILL be frustrated and confused and feel like you want to return to what is comfortable.
I had to and am in the process of “revamping” how I operate. Not easy because I have no frame of reference other than what I was doing before isn’t going to work now. I am still in this process, but I have seen it work in many other situations with myself and numerous others. And I am keeping myself open.
Stick with it, and you will grow into a more fulfilled version of yourself. Quit, and you stay the same, and that gnawing feeling that you are stuck will grow and consume you. Not an exaggeration.
Well, you made it this far. Comment below and let me know how this resonates with you and what things you are doing to with your “old” thinking that is causing you frustration.

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