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it’s not just working out, it’s building a foundation for a better life.
it’s not just working out. It's building a foundation for a better life.
Our world continues to get shocked with pandemic diseases causing the loss of thousands and even millions of people. It’s possible for your body to be affected by these diseases and infections. The most recent COVID – 19 has caused our world to take generous precautions to avoid and defeat the rampant virus. The virus also known as SARS-CoV-2 originated in Wuhan China and has made viral impressions globally over the past few weeks. Some cases are reported much more severe than others. A major risk of the virus is that some carriers show no symptoms yet it’s as contagious as those that do. Those that aren’t showing any symptoms are more likely to contribute to the person to person spread. Those with severe medical conditions are at a greater risk of picking up a serious case of COVID -19 than those without, yet people of all ages have picked up the virus. We will continue to see the virus spread over the coming months. For more information and updates on the virus please reference the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.
This is a reality that we must all face and prepare for. Having a body that is strong and healthy enough to fight off any serious illnesses is something that comes from consistently making healthy choices. What you intake and do not intake will structure your cells accordingly. The flow of your lifestyle will also be a large influence on the makeup of your body’s DNA and molecular structure.
Choose foods and supplements that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Raw fruits and vegetables, leafy greens, and grass-fed/ pasture-raised/ wild-caught meat. Garlic, Elderberry, and Oregano Oil are healthy bacteria-fighting aids. Making healthier intake choices will eliminate harmful pathogens and fight infections.
Healthy probiotics like Kimchi can stimulate the neuro-receptors within your gut. Colostrum is a great recommendation for cultivating immunity through supplements. This will increase your mental clarity, and the well-being of your body and digestive system. Incorporating these probiotics into your lifestyle will also prevent Leaky Gut Syndrome, and Diarrhea from infectious causes.
Physical activity promotes healthy blood and natural killer cell production. Natural Killer Cells are white blood cells that reject tumors and viral diseases. Choosing to exercise builds blood cells instead of fat cells and leads to anti-aging benefits. Exercise regulates a proactive body on the molecular level increasing healing abilities and disease prevention.
Healthy sleeping patterns as well as all the other topics we have discussed so far will reduce your risk of getting heart disease, diabetes and immunity dysfunction.
Drinking fluids will wash the virus into the stomach where it will die in the stomach acid. If you do not drink enough fluids it can move from the windpipe into the lungs. The virus cannot survive in temperatures greater than 530 degrees Celsius. That is about 133 degrees Fahrenheit. The higher the temperature the faster the virus will die. Fit a regular sauna visit into your routine and make sure you always keep a vessel full of fluids with you.
All together healthy eating, sleeping, heating, hydrating, and exercising will be your biggest weapon when preventing and defeating viruses like the COVID – 19. Take some time to learn about and appreciate the resources and design that nature provides for us to stay healthy and happy. We are all capable of monitoring our choices and our bodies. Feel better, look better, be better, and most importantly; live better. it’s not just working out, it’s building a foundation for a better life.
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I am sure you have heard a lot about heart health. Everything from diet, hydration, stress management, and even sleep affects your heart. There a lot of excellent points to follow, but have you ever thought about heart health and the structure of your body.
The structure of the body is usually talked about or thought about posture, movement, or pain. And all this is true. The better your structure, the better your position, the better you move, and the less pain you will have. But the structure of your body is fundamental to the health of your organs too. Your organs (viscera) all have a place that they are supposed to be within the body. They all have “rooms” formed by fascia (connective tissue). If the structure of your body is out of balance and your fascia is unhealthy, then space (room) holding your organs is compromised, and they cannot function optimally. It’s as if I were to ask you to perform a task but then bind your arms and legs to limit your movement. It’s going to be difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish.
Now to use your heart as an example. For it to be healthy and function optimally, the heart should sit properly on your diaphragm, and the pericardium (heart skin) should provide enough room and be able to connect correctly to the neck and sternum.
In this image (above), the pericardium (green) connects to the sternum (breast bone), C6, C7 and T1 vertebrae (neck), and the diaphragm for support. If any of those connections are tight or “out of place,” then it will twist, compress, or pull the pericardium and cause the heart to not work well.
Take a typical posture that you can see everywhere now. It’s called forward head posture. And just as the name implies, your head is forward to your shoulders. This is usually seen with a rounded back (kyphosis) and a collapsed sternum. So take the picture of the heart above and place it in this poor chap. Let’s start at the top. When your head is forward, and you have kyphosis, it pulls your neck forward and causes those vertebrae to slide forward. It also creates those connections at the sternum to slack. And 9.99999999 times out of 10, this posture will also cause your diaphragm to be jumbled (technical name) and so the floor that the heart sits on is crooked and compressed.
So now, your poor little heart is all twisted and compressed and sitting in the wrong place, and you are asking it to work optimally. Also, your posture is now reducing your lung volume, which reduces the amount of oxygen your body (including your heart) is getting. And now extrapolate that strain and think about the effects when you are exerting yourself. Talk about putting your body (and heart) in a position NOT to succeed.
If this represents your condition, the good news is that your current situation is not a death sentence because most of what I am talking about is soft tissue. This means you can do something about it if you don’t wait too long. Some exercises can open your neck and pull those vertebrae back into it’s intended position, and correct your kyphosis.
If your goal is longevity and vitality, then get on a workout treatment program that works on your body from all different angles, including your posture and structure. The benefits to your entire being are numerous… because it’s not just working out, it’s building a foundation for a better life.
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I understand your pain. Growth is HARD. You’ve been carrying around this voice that keeps telling you what you could be doing to reach your full potential. It says you are so much more than what your lifestyle says you are. There’s this deep groaning in your gut that is saying go HARDER.
We don’t listen to this voice often because it’s calling us to step out into somewhere new. Humans don’t like “new places” because there could be predators lurking about to destroy us. These predators come in all shapes and sizes. They could look like a group of fit young students laughing at you because you’re overweight and trying to get in shape. You decide not to go to the gym anymore, meanwhile you paid one visit with your new membership. It’s the physical pain of dealing with sore muscles after getting into a workout routine. Perhaps it’s the $100,000 student debt that you’re going to get as you pursue your dream of becoming a teacher. It’s important to recognize these monsters that are standing in front of you and understand that you don’t have to be afraid any longer. Take courage and begin your journey.
Who is this person that you long to be?
Why do you want to live this way?
Does he/she walk with confidence?
Do they smile everyday knowing that they have meaning in this world?
Do they know that they are loved?
Are there things in your life you don’t want anymore?
Are there things that you don’t have in your life that you know you want?
What does he/she look like today? Tomorrow? Next year? Five years from now? Ten years from now?
Cast the vision of you in your fullest potential. Be specific. Set small goals to achieve every day, week, month, and year that is going to get you there. They could be as simple as reading a chapter a day, or read 12 books this year, or go to the gym 3 times this week.
Your most powerful weapons in producing positive growth are your heart, and your mind. It’s your responsibility as a conscious human being to monitor your thoughts and self-talk and to protect and feed good dialogue within. What does your inner dialogue sound like? Are your thoughts always of shame? Doubt? Guilt? Do you hear negative put downs all day? Are you always telling yourself you are not good enough? If this is what your self-talk sounds like it’s time to set an anchor of who you truly are in your heart and mind. This is the spiritual side of war. I recommend reading books that work on your mindset, taking time to pray/meditate and find things in life to be thankful for, meditating on good thoughts like “you are loved” and surrounding yourself with people who add value to your life instead of cut you down. The main point here is to believe whole heartedly that you are deeply loved from above and were created with a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. Out of this place of belief you will begin to live as so.
When the going gets tough, KEEP ON GOING. Nothing of value will ever come easy. It’s your perspective within the little moments, tasks, and jobs, that will decide how much joy you experience, even in the toughest of days. Remember who you are, and why you live the way you do to get through the growing pains. Be thankful for those reasons, be thankful that you have the courage to be where you are because this is who you are. You are a well-reasoned, capable, and endearing human being that has the ability to change the world if you believe you can. This is truly who you are.
It’s time to set some goals, get spiritually healthy, and show up for the dirty work every day with a heart of faith and gratitude. You owe it to yourself and to the world; it’s who you were created to be. You are not the only one that experiences fear. You are not the only one that longs to overcome your shortcomings and live in your full potential. Take the first step forward and if you fall, laugh off the dust and try again. Give yourself grace, but not too much grace. You are an overcomer and were created to overcome the laziness, overeating, and whatever other bad habits are holding you back from living in your full potential. It’s time to silence them once and for all. Believe.
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