Primal movement exercises enhance your overall performance in daily activities, sports and life.
At SolCore Fitness and Therapy, we deeply appreciate these movements. They help improve your everyday activities and the sports you love.
However, we don’t jump into these exercises right away. Your safety and effectiveness depend on the strength and mobility of your body. Remember, you are only as strong as your weakest link.
Before starting primal movements, it is important to first focus on exercises that strengthen these weak links. Segmental muscle strengthening ensures the weak turned off muscles that you have, out of the 600 or so muscles and the different directions they are going, are firing. ELDOA for the spaces and joints of your body that need space, strength, and awareness. Myofascial stretching increases flexibility and mobility in the muscles and their chains. Proprioception exercises to “turn on” those important ligaments and joints that are the intelligent part of the body. Circulatory and respiratory exercises allow you to stay healthy and get the best results by receiving the O2 and nutrients it needs and removing the CO2 and waste it doesn’t need to ensure the overall effectiveness of your workout. Following this comprehensive approach will prepare you better for your primal movement practice.
We share excellent information about how to train holistically in our report:
How to use primal movement exercises in your life
The 7 primal movements are:
The squat is the most important of the seven movements. We use it daily, and it dramatically affects our gravity line. This is the inverse 4-degree cone that we must stay within to function optimally. Mastery of all these movements is essential as they are frequently used, and your body needs to perform them effectively.
Primal movements should be ingrained in your brain and body through safe progressions and ample repetitions. Once mastered, you can focus on patterns you use often in life. In addition, while working on global strengthening, it’s important to include global postural stretching to emphasize the body’s interconnected movements.
You’ll integrate these movements into activities like skiing, hiking, walking, running, biking, gardening, and swimming. But because all movements, sports, activities, and life damage your body to some degree, engage in the preparatory corrective and preventive exercise program listed above with a primal movement exercise program to ensure you stay balanced and avoid repetitive stress injuries. Regular manual treatments—monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly—will also help you avoid serious injuries and stay active in the way you desire.
How to incorporate these global strengthening exercises to ensure you are ‘doing it right.”
To incorporate global strengthening exercises correctly, avoid jumping straight into routines with increased force without a tailored program and proper coaching. The body functions as a whole and should be trained accordingly. Each individual needs a unique path in their holistic health and fitness program.
Join us for one of our coaching programs to access this body-friendly approach and build a strong foundation for a better life.