Searching for another “cutting edge” technique or product isn’t allow you to move and operate in this life like you know you can.
Your searching for the magic bullet to get you feeling and moving like you used to…10 years before.
👉🏽Mouth Tapping
👉🏽Cold Plunging
👉🏽Intermittin Fasting
👉🏽Red Light Therapy
👉🏽Inferred Sauna
👉🏽Occlusion Training
👉🏽Stem Cell Injections
Some of these can help and some are complete bullsh!t based off of “marketing science.” But all of these won’t help you to regain your mobility, strength and allow you to feel that joy of working out and being free with your activites again.
They’ll actually make it worse.
They are going to make it worse because you don’t know how they fit together and with how the body wants to be taken care of. This will cause you to at best loose time and increase frustration and confusion. At worse make the situation harder.
✅ If you understand how the body should be balanced and worked with it then most of your issues will go away.
✅ If you know how to work with the myofacial chains with specific strengthening and strengthening exercises you will naturally keep yourself mobile and strong and excellent in your workouts and activities.
Then and only will using accessory techniques and products help complement your already robust and complete program.
That’s what we do. We help 40+ year old active people improve mobility, get out of pain, frustration, and confusion, and get back to feeling vibrant in their workouts again. So they have a body that keeps up with the life they want to live and be there for their friends, family, and community.
If this resonates and you want to talk about it use the “Free Consuiltation” option below to schedule a time to talk. We’ll discuss where you are, what you’ve done, and where you want to go. We’ll let you know the best course of action and if we feel your a good fit let you know how you can work with us.
Don’t keep chasing your tail. Get on a scientifically based program for
It’s not just working out, it’s building a foundation for a better life.
Find out more @
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