I am sure you have seen that meme/ phrase going around saying, “the goal is to die as young as possible.” A great idea that has a foothold in reality but requires some intentional work.
From what I have seen, this phrase is more rooted in attitude than anything else. If you think and act like you are old… your old.
But if you choose not to go down that road and realize that you have the opportunity to “stay young,” then you also have to follow that up with work. It doesn’t just happen because it gets you excited.
Your body has natural healing processes within it and will continue to keep you young if, wait, “BIG IF”, you know how to take care of it.
- Drinking enough water Getting enough sleep
- Eating foods that nourish you
- Managing your stress
- And realizing that exercising is an opportunity to show your body some love and not just randomly moving around.
If you know how to exercise to keep your body balanced, it functions at its best. Functioning means that:
- You are flexible and not stiff.
- You can play with your kids and grandkids without worrying if you will get hurt or can get back off the ground.
- You can stay active in activities, and sports you love can stay in your life.
- Your digestive, endocrine(hormones), respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems work correctly, and you don’t feel like sh*t.
- And that you can continue to show up and be there for your friends, family, and community.
You also have a “clast” and “blast” system in your body that removes the bad stuff and brings in the good stuff, which keeps your body young.
This happens if your body is balanced, responsive and the fluids in your body are flowing properly and not stagnating and festering like a dirty pond. Ewe. 🤮
Unfortunately, all of life is taking you away from this state. This includes the sports and activities that you enjoy doing. Everything is slightly damaging to your body and health.
It requires that, if you care at all about longevity, you also have a program of corrective and preventive exercises you can do along with being active in a way that brings you joy.
Doing this allows your body to stay young.
Just staying the course and hoping that some intervention will “fix you” is a passive-destructive way to go about it.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
It’s not just working out, it’s building a foundation for a better life.
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